
The authorities of AGH University Student Campus are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for every member of our Campus community. Security Officers patrol the Campus 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, on foot or in vehicles. They are responsible for the enforcement of AGH University Student Campus rules and regulations. In case of danger or emergency, Security Officers immediately call the police as a backup suport or first-line response.

Security Officers are in permanent contact with the Video Surveilance Centre staff (located in Dormitory 8 „Stokrotka”), who monitors the Campus 24 hours a day and calls the Officers in case of any disturbing incident. The entrances to the dormitories and bicycle shelters are particularly observed. The safety level is increased by the presence of MS Patrol – a student organisation, which helps to clean and protect the area and cooperates with Security Officers.
Moreover, on 12th Debember 2012 an agreement was reached between AGH University Rector, proffesor Tadeusz Słomka and the Commandant the city police in Cracow, lieutenant-colonel Wadim Dyba concerning the implementation of the integrated security system on the area of AGH University Student Campus.